Environmental Assessments: Certification, Verification, Improvement
ISO 26000 Corporate Social Responsibility
The public is increasingly demanding corporations and organizations fulfill their obligations for social accountability, and improve the impact their activities and decisions have on the environment and society as a whole. More and more, the public is paying attention to the manner in which organizations handle their responsibility as corporate citizens. Consumers and buyers require ethical behavior and transparent management.
In order to meet the growing need for an internationally accepted standard, CCSBD developed specification SR 10, which was published in December 2011. It is based on the Spanish specification RS 10 developed by AENOR and on ISO 26000 Among other factors, the particular strength of this standard lies in it being eminently suited to integration into an existing management system (thanks to more than 20 years of certification experience), as well as its international acceptance.
Benefits for your organization:
- Improved image in the eyes of customers and consumers; stands out from the competition
- Guaranteed fulfillment of legal requirements
- International comparability, ranking and evaluation make your own corporate commitment visible and credible
- Long-term increase of economic success with minimum impact on the environment; long-term increase of competitive ability
Related Projects
Environmental Responsibility
Code of Conduct Validation
It has become common practice for organizations to introduce a code of conduct
Compliance Audits
Assessments of compliance with laws & regulations
Sustainable Leadership
Quality Management, Excellence Models, Governance and Compliance Audits
ISO 31000 – Risk Management
Safer business, or: How safe can you afford not to be?
Responsible Sourcing
Corporate Social Responsibility & Ethical Audits in the supply chain
Fair Business Practices
Custom-made Assessments Schemes for your Organization
Workplace Safety Accountability
Workplace Safety Assessments, Inspection & Certification
Social Responsibility & Reporting
Certification & Validation according to CSR Standards and Reporting Frameworks
ISO 37001 Certification
Certification of Anti-Bribery Management Systems